paid a heavy price|pay a heavy price in English

was greatly punished, got what he deserved

Use "paid a heavy price|pay a heavy price" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "paid a heavy price|pay a heavy price" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "paid a heavy price|pay a heavy price", or refer to the context using the word "paid a heavy price|pay a heavy price" in the English Dictionary.

1. They pay a heavy price for it.

2. Although Mitterrand escaped personally unscathed, his party paid a heavy price.

3. Such active involvement in radical movements is widespread, but a heavy price has been paid.

4. If it did so, however, it would have to pay a heavy and incalculable price.

5. Those unwilling to accept help from others often pay a heavy price in exhaustion and frustration.

6. But he paid a heavy price for his disobedience to the commandments of God (D&C 132:39).

7. Sometimes this seems almost to rebuke me, to be a heavy price to pay for a simple preference of male anatomy.

8. The people of Leptis and the Vandals both paid a heavy price for this in 523 AD when a group of Berber raiders sacked the city.

9. What a price to pay!


11. They often paid a high price.

12. We are now coming to see that economic globalization has come at a heavy price.

13. There'll be a heavy reckoning to pay!

14. He has warned the perpetrators and those aiding and abetting terrorists that they have made a big mistake and will have to pay a heavy price.

15. The price of myopia is heavy on the exchequers of the developed world.

16. The patriarch paid him a handsome price.

17. Moreover , according to the theory of survival of the fittest , the weak must surrender to the strong , and for this they had to pay a very heavy price .

18. You paid a high price for your indiscretions, Vasudha.

19. Lower the purchase price (the price you pay the supplier).

20. The industrial tariff, however, was adjusted quarterly on the basis of a notional "parity" price for heavy fuel oil .

21. Matricide seems a high price to pay for a prank.

22. That's such a wicked price to pay, you know.

23. Pay us whatever you think is a fair price.

24. If it isn't, NASA could pay a stiff price.

25. Look at the price you paid.